Tuesday, 13 June 2017


This acts very effectively against the following ailments such as Paandu / Veluppu noi (anaemic conditions), Oodhal noi (Oedema / dropsy), Soolai (Colic), Erigunmum (gastric ulcer), Aruvagai Eruvaai mulai noi (six types of piles / haemorrhoids), Aamavadham (rheumatic diseases), Mandai idi / Thalavali (headache), Thasai Kalaippu (Myalgia), Garba rogam (uterine disorders), Vidhai Vaadham or Vidhai Veekkam (orchititis), Arai Vaadham (hip pain) (coxalgia), Gandhamaalai (Scrofula), Granthi / Parangi pun (Syphilis), Araiyappu (bubo), Kaal vedippugal (fissured soles)), Grahani / Perung kazhichchal (sprue), Kshayam (emaciation / TB) Thondai vali (throat pain), Kudal Vaadham (colitis), Madham (sedated state), Marbu soolai (severe chest pain), Varat soolai (excessive heat) diseases due to derangement of vadha, Piththa and kaba doshams (Vadha, Piththa, Kaba noigal) etc.,\

Megam —21 (hot flush) (A group of diseases where in the body gets emaciated day by day along with the excretion of excessive urine), Neerizhivu (Polyurea) and Madhu megam (diabetis mellitus).

Sayam (Tuberclosis), Eraippu Irumal (Bronchial Asthma), Erumal (Cough), Rathakasam (Cough with bloody mucous), Rathachoodu (Hypertension), Pithachoodu (Pitha disorder), Megasoodu (Pitha disorder affecting genital tract), Enbuchoodu (Pitha disorder affecting the bone).

Paandu / Veluppu noi (anaemia), S obai (Oedema / dropsy), Kamaalai (Jaundice) and Peruvayiru / Mahodaram (ascites).

Paandu / Veluppu noi (anaemia), Sobai or oodhal noi (Oedema / dropsy), Kamaalai (jaundice), Peru vayiru (ascites) and Perummpaadu (metrorrhagia). It can be used in even Madhu megam (diabetis mellitus) also.

Paandu noigal (All kinds of anaemia).

Soolai (colic), Keelvayu (arthritis), Aamavaadham (rheumatism), Kuttam (leprosy / skin diseases), Visha kadi / nachchu kadi (Poisonous bites). Also in vadha neer / Valineer

Keelvadham / Keel Vayu, Paksha Vadham / Pakka Vadham, Nadukku Vadham (Shaking Palsy), Sanni (delirium), Kaaichahal (fevers), Mega granthi, Nariththalai vadham, Ottu rogam (infectious diseases) minor and major ailments due to vitiation of three humors

Thirikatugu Chooranam with honey - 18 types of Soolai (colic), 26 types of Vadha diseases, 16 types of Gunmam (gastritis), Theeraa surangal (Chronic fevers), Elikadi (ratbite), Eelai (pneumonia), Irumal (bronchitis), Swasam (dyspnoea), Kshayam (TB), Swasa kaasam (bronchial asthma) moolam (piles), Araiyappu (pubo), Kaamalai (jaundice), Linga Soolai / Aankuri soolai and yoni soolai / Penkuri soolai (inflammation of male & female genital organs accompanied by severe pain), Andavadhaam (Orchitis) Gandamaalai (Scrofula), Vippurudhi (10 types of fissures) Pakka soolai (severe coliky pain in the side of the chest), Naakku soolai (pain in the tongue), Karappan (erysipelas), Punnkadi (ulcerative bites) etc., Also in Kudalilaippu noi (ulai mandhai) Mandharakasam, Suramaandhai, Thodai Vazhai etc., b) Chooranam composed of Nutmeg, Mace, cloves and Atis along with honey 12 types of Adhi Saaram (diarrhoea), Vayittru Kaduppu (irritative stomach) and 6 types of Grahani (Sprue). c) Chooranam composed of wild amorphophallus, chebulic myrobalan, Dry ginger & Long peper along with honey All types of Moolam (piles) and Pavuththiram (fistula) d) Destructive distillation oil of tanner's Cassia (Aavarai Kuzhi Thailam) Sadhai adaippu (18 types of urinary obstructions by the growth of small tissues), Neerizhivu (20 types of polyurea) Ushnam (excessive heat), Neeradaipu (urinary obstruction), Ullurukki (12 types of emaciation), 21 types of Mooththira Piralai and eight types of Enbu suram. e) Destructive distillate of Oil of Alangium seeds (Azhinchil vidhai kuzhi Thailam) Vayittru noigal (60 types of stomach disorders) and Vayvu (32 types of vadha noigal) f) Juice extracted from the just warmed yellowed leaves of calotropis leaves. (To be given along with the medicine on alternative days) Produces severe purgation. To stop this butter milk rice is to be administred. This is effective in the Visha bagam (eradication of toxaemic states), Sobai / Oodhal (Oedema), Kaamalai (jaundice), Payiththiyam (biliousness), Kalleeral perukkam (enlargement of liver), Aguvai katti, Neerkovai (dropsy) & Suram (fever). Only goat's milk and rice is permitted during this period. After the stoppage of medicine, mildly salted articles and dried goat's meat are to be administered first before the commencement of normal diet. g)Honey Peenisa thalaivali (Headache due to sinusitis)

When given with Thoothuvalai Ghritham for 15 days, 20 type of Sileththuma (kapha/Sleshma) diseases will be cured. In case of Ennvagai When given with Thoothuvalai Ghritham for 15 days, 20 type of Sileththuma (kapha/Sleshma) diseases will be cured. In case of Ennvagai Gunmum (eight types of gastritis), it is given along with Panchadeepakkini legiyam. When given with honey, 21 types of Meganoigal will be cured. Similary when given suitably with appproximate adjuvants, all types of vadha diseases will be cured.

Pitha Thalaivali (cephalalgia / head ache due to pitha disorders), nabi vali (pain around the umblical area), pandu (anaemia), sobai (dropsy), kamalai ( jaundice), vellai ( Leucorrhoea), vettai (gonorrhoea

All diseases of the respiratory system including Kshayam (tuberculosis / consumption / emaciation), Kasam or Irumal (Cough / bronchitis), Iraippu / Izhuppu (Spasm / wheezhing), diseases due to derangements of Kaba noigal (Kaba dosham) etc.,

All kinds of Kulir Jwaram (fever), Vadha Kaba thodarbana noigal (diseases due to vitiated vatam & Kapham), Mega noigal, Thole noigal (skin diseases), Paalivinai noigal and Sannipatham (typhoid), when given with thanga parpam, it controls epilepsy.

Madhumegam (diabetes mellitus) Kalaviyil sayal pada mudiyamai (sexual neurasthenia), Vindhu nashtam (spermatorrhoea), Elumbu mootugalin theimanam (degenerative bone & joints) and vadha diseases such as Keelvadham (arthritis) Aamavadham (rheumatism) etc.,

All kinds of diseases arising out of vitiation of Vadha, piththa, Kaba noigal (vada piththa and kaba doshams) Very effective in Venkuttam/ Venpadai (leucoderma). It is also given is Nurraiyeeral Puttru (lung cancer)

Various kinds of diarrhoea such as Kaduppu kazhichchal (irritational diarrhoea), Kurudhi Kazhichchal, raththa bedhi (diarrhoea accompanied by blood discharge), Sura Kazhichchal (diarrhoea accompanied by fever) etc., Seedha Bedhi (dysentery), Vayittru Vali (stomach ache), menstrual disorders such as Soothaga soolai (dysmenorrhoea), Perumpaadu (metrrorhagia) etc.

Perumpadu (Menorrhagia).

Kshayam (emaciation / consumption / TB), Broncho spasm or Broncho pneumonia (eelai), Malachikkal (constipation), Elikadi (rat bite), Piththam (biliousness), Kabam (Phlegmatic condition), Grahani / Perung kazhichchal including Nina kazhichchal, Seezh nina Kazhichchal (diarrohoea of sprue syndrome / Malabsorption syndrome), Kaamaalai (Jaundice), Kaduppu (Myalgia), Gunmum (gastritis) Suram / Kaichchal (fever) Vettai (gonorrhoea) , Mega soolai, Soolai (colic), Kudaichchal (excruciating pain) Dhunmangkisham / Adhika udarparuman ( any excessive unwanted over growth). Considered to be a Kayakalpa medicine (rejuvenating tonic) and a good Katnam perukki (aphrodisiac)

Azhal Keelvayu, Valiazhal Keelvayu. Vatha Noikal (Rheumatic disorders), Vayu Noikal (Disorders of the vatha), Suram (Fever)

All kinds of diseases due to derangement of Vaadha, Piththa, Kaba noigal (vadha, piththa and kaba doshams), Vayu (arthritis and rheumatism), Dhatu nashtam (seminal deficiency). It increases the tone, vitality and vigour of the body generally. It is also given in various kinds of cancerous conditions such as kannaputtru (cheek cancer). Marbaga puttru/Kongai puttru (Breast cancer), Naakku puttru (tongue cancer), Karuppai puttru (uterine cancer), Nuraiyeeral puttru (lung cancer) Kazhalai/Sathumani noi (Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) etc

Paandu/Veluppu noi (anaemia), Oodhal/Sobai (oedma/dropsy), Kaamaalai (jaundice), Peruvayru (ascites) and Siruneeraga kargal (urolithiasis/ renal and vesiculuar calculus/urinary calculi). It is a Kurudhi thooimaiyakki (blood purifier), kurudhiyundakki (haematinic) and Narambu uramakki (nervine tonic) In urinary calculi, it is to be administered along with Thiriphala karpam (A prepared siddha medicine).

All kinds of Vadha noigal (Vata diseases including rheumatism), Viranam (ulcers), Envagai Gunmam (eight types of gastritis), Thozhunoi (leprosy), Soolai (colic), Vellai (leucorrhoea), Soothaga soolai (dysmenorrhoea), Sori (itch), Padai (eczema), Seelai pun (bed sores), General diseases such as Megam (hot flush), karumegam etc Granthi, (chancre), Araiyappu (bubo), Veekkam (abscesses) etc. Also in Agnivayu.

Mantharakasam (Type of kapha disorder), Vaittruvali (Abdominal pain), Soothikavatha Janni (Epilepsy of mental disorders), Thosam, Biramegam (Urethral discharges), Kamalai (Jaundice), Arakiranthi(Syphilitic disorder), Neerkaduppu (Burning micturition), 64 Suram (64 varieties of fever) SoolaiMudakku (neuralgia with rheumatisam), Uthara Thiratchai (Abdominal swelling), Oyatha Vayu (Chronic and severe vatha disorders), Sevil Suvasam (Bronchial asthma), Nenjadaippudan Marpil Kuthu (Angina pain), Kuthirai Valippu (Type of epilepsy).

19 types of Soolai (Neuralgic disorder), 80 types of Vatham (Vatha disorder), 96 types of Silethumam (Kapa disorder), Kandamalai (Glandular swelling of neck), Araiyappu (Bubo), Pun, purai (External ulcers, Tropic ulcers), Vellai (Leucorrhoea), Vettai (Gonorrhoea).

Various kinds of Nachchu kadi (poisonus bites) such as Vandu/Kulavi kadi (beetle wasp bite), Seyyan kadi (millipede bite), Kaattu thavalai kadi (wild frog bite), Pachchonthi kadi (Chammeleom bite), Aranai kadi (skink bite), Elikadi etc., (rat bite) Naatpatta soolai-18 (18 types of chronic colic), Kuttam - 18 (18 types of leprosy), karappan-8 (8 types of erysipelas) Andaaputtru (scrotal cancer), Araiyappu (bubo), Vippurudhi (fissure), Gandanmaali (scrofula), Kabala kuttam (erysipelas of the scalp), Granthi -18 (18 types of glandular enlargements) Neerarukal -18 (18 types of urinary obstructions) Gunmam - 8 (Eight types of Gastritis). A kind of skin disease in which the skin resembles that of an elephant (Yanaithole kuttam), Venkuttam (Leucoderma), Megam-20 (20 types of megam), Kaal pidippu (rigidity of leg), Sobai (anaemia), Sukkila noi (seminal disorders), Suronidha noi (disorders of ovum), Vaadha pidippu (rigidity due to neuralgic affectation), Mangu sori (a kind of itch), Eelai (pneumonia), Vedippu (fissures), Peruvayiru (dropsy), Visha bagam (toxemic state), Neermoolam, Aamaikatti, Vaadham-80 (80 types of vada diseases), 96 types of kaba (Iya) diseases (Ayyam- 96), (Ulaimandhai-8) kaikaal vedippu (fissures of hand and feet), Elaippu - (Emaciation), Kaichal thalaivali, (fever accompanied by cephalalgia), Sanni (delirium) Kurainoi (leprosy), Suram/Kaaichchal (fever), pavuththiram (fistula), Pallaranai dental caries (dental caries) Pal soolai (toothache), Silvisham (small insect bites), Silandhi pilavai, Thodai vazhai , Kaal karappan (erysipelas of foot/leg), Puraiyodum pungal (septic ulcers), Headache before sunset Padu gnayiru (cephalagia), Cephalalgia (Head ache after sunset Ezhu gnayiru), Aan kuri silandhi, Pen silandhi (Peeligai), Kanna puttru (cheek cancer), Danta soolai (odontalgia), Aankuri puttru (Penial cancer), Penkuri puttru (vaginal cancer), Narambu silandhi, Elumbu thinnum sandi punn (deep rooted putrified ulcer/wounds), sori (itches), Kazhalai (goitre) (thozhuthalai), nervous dis order pertaining to hand & feet, severe pain in the chest (Marbaani), Vidhai vaadham (orchitis), Padar thaamarai (ringworm), Karuppa azhivu noi (abortion) Pilavai (Carbuncles), Maraththal (numbness) Thadippu (rashes), Erichchalodu raththtam sorikinra koppalam (irritative and bleeding ulcers), etc.,

Indicated in a wide range of diseases such as the followings:- Painful conditons of varied types such as Mega soolai, Vedisoolai, Idisoolai, Pudaisoolai, Thudi soolai, Vadha soolai (various kinds of neuralgic pain), Kaal kudaichchal (excruciating pain in leg), Karanai, Vippurudhi (fissures), Gandamalai (scrofula) Thozhu noi (Leprosy), Sori (itches) Sirangu (scabies) Puzhuvettu (alopecia), Thadippu (rashes), Aankuri silandhi, Penkuri silandhi (chancre), Megam (hot flush), various kinds of glandular enlargements such as Seng granthi, Karunggranthi, Arigranthi, Porigranthi, Padugranthi etc., Thodaivazhai, Muttu vazhai, Various kinds of cancerous affections such as Kanna puttru (cheek cancer) Aankuri puttru (Penial cancer) Pennkuri puttru (Vaginal cancer) Moolam, Pouththiram (piles and Fistula).

Delirium due to vitiated Kabavadha sanni (Kabam and Vadham), Envagai Suram (eight types of fevers), Envagai irumal (eight types of cough), Kuttam (leprosy), Kudalanda vadham (hernia), Soolai (colic), Pun (ulcers), Eelai (bronchietctasis), Envagai Gunmam (eight types of gastritis), Vayittruvali (stomach pain), Kaduppu (irritation). Also in Naatpatta soothaga kattu (chronic amenorrhoea), Peruvayiru (ascites), Sobai/Oodhal (oedema), Manjal kaamalai (jaundice), Sanni (delirum), Vayittru pokku (diarrhoea), Pouththiram (fistula),Kalladaippu (urinary calculai), Valippu (convulsions), Granthi (syphilis / glandular enlargement), Purai (purified ulcers), Gandamalai (scrofula), Neerizhuvu (polyurea/Diabetes), Neerkuththu (urethritis) and Mandharakasam


  1. I was diagnosed of Herpes 2 years ago and I have tried all possible means to get the cure but all to no avail, until I saw a post in a health forum about a Herbal Doctor(Dr Akhigbe) who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Herpes, at first i doubted, if it was real but decided to give him a trial, when I contacted Dr Akhigbe through his Email: drrealakhigbe@gmail.com he guided me and prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier Delivery service,when I received the package (herbal medicine) He gave me instructions on how to consume it,I started using it as instructed and I stopped getting outbreaks and the sores started vanishing, could you believe I was cured of this deadly virus within two to three weeks and notices changes in my body. Days of using this REMEDY,couldn't believe the healing at first until I see it as my HERPES  get cleared like magic Dr Akhigbe also use his herbal medicine to cure diseases like, HIV, HERPES, CANCER, ALS, CHRONIC DISEASE, HEART DISEASE, LUPUS, ASTHMA,  DIABETES  HEPATITIS A AND B.ECZEMA, BACK PAIN, EXTERNAL INFECTION ,ASTHMA, PROGERIA,  MENINGITIS, EPILEPSY,STROKE,KIDNEY DISEASE,ACME. ERYSIPELAS. etc Contact this great herbal Doctor today the father of herbal root cure. via Email: drrealakhigbe@gmail.com or whatsapp him  +2349010754824   and get cured permanently He is real..website:      https:drrealakhigbe.weebly.com

  2. Good evening to you all I want to write a shortly message to the world how doctor ehiaguna help with his great herbal medicine to cured me from this horrible virus HSV 1 and 2 I get his email from someone name Olivia mason how she was also cured by doctor ehiaguna I never believe there was cure until I meet her testimony, I contacted doctor ehiaguna I don’t believe there was cure well I am so happy to write this testimony to the world, this man immediately when I sent him email and this man response within 20 minus and give me the necessary process and the herbal was sent to within 4 day I took it according to the instruction so with 2 week I was completely cured and I get my test done I was confirm negative I am so happy if you want to get his contact you can message him with this email drehiaguna@gmail.com or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953 he can fix this.HIV.HEPATITIS.ANTHRAX.HPV.CANCER.ALSAND ALSO SOLVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEM
